Belgrade airport received four awards for customer experience by its passengers
on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 2:02 PM

- Belgrade Airport once again among the best in Europe
- Belgrade, Porto and Guanacaste from VINCI Airports network awarded for exceptional customer experience
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, managed by Belgrade Airport, powered by VINCI Airports, was selected for the third time by passengers as the best airport in Europe by size and region. This time, Belgrade airport has received a record 4 awards granted by the Airport Council International (ACI), within the airport service quality program Airport Service Quality:
- Best airport of 5 to 15 million Passengers in Europe
- Airport with the Most Dedicated Staff in Europe
- Most Enjoyable Airport in Europe
- Cleanest Airport in Europe
Airport Service Quality Program (ASQ) is the world’s leading airport passenger satisfaction program, with close to 400 participating airports worldwide and represents the voice of passengers from around the world. These awards represent the highest possible recognition for airport operators, as well as an opportunity to highlight the commitment of airports around the world to constantly improve passenger experience.
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is one of the 3 airports from the VINCI Airports network awarded by passengers within the ASQ service quality program for providing an exceptional airport experience in 2023.
Since the beginning of the concession in 2019, Belgrade airport has significantly increased operational capacity and comfort at all key points (expanded and upgraded passenger terminal, new, second runway, new access road system, new car parks, new environmental facilities), while most improvements have been presented in the course of 2023. The positive momentum in expansion and modernization will continue with the construction of new facilities providing additional content within the departure terminal, while all major modernization projects are expected to be completed in 2024. All this will enable Belgrade airport to reach a total capacity of 15 million passengers per year by the end of the concession period.